App Spotlight: Instapaper

Instapaper logoNot sure about you, but I constantly battle my 10+ open browser tabs-of-good-intentions. Articles like, “Back to prep[osition] school,” “I sold out to China,” and “Bucket lists are a good way to ruin the experience of nature” start feeling unloved after I let them dwell in a distant tab for weeks on end.

Do I want to read those tabs? Absolutely! Do I think I’ll ever get around to them on my computer? Probably not.

Hence, Instapaper.*

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Repurposing Your Tech for Travel

Traveling lightly is important to frequent travelers, and the easiest way to economize your luggage is to utilize the mobile tech you already own.

standardThink for a second. Your smartphone can replace a calendar, airline ticket, watch, music player, camera, video recorder, notebook, GPS/map, flashlight, book, and even a payment method (in some cases). Oh, and I suppose it works as a phone as well. Add apps and you’ll hold the world in the palm of your hand. Use Uber to get a ride to your hotel or Foursquare to find the greatest restaurants nearby. Top it off with Tripit to keep track of your itinerary.
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